Download the best iPhone iOS games in 2017

download 5 the best and most addictive games on iPhone would definitely not let you put your iPhone down for free.
If you’re a gamer, there is no better phone to buy than the iPhone. The iPhone 6/6S and iPhone 6/6S Plus brought bigger screens to iOS, but it’s the success of the App Store that makes the iPhone such a great platform for gaming. With well over a million apps available, the gaming options on iPhone are nearly limitless. But finding the best ones isn’t always easy.

Download the best iPhone iOS games in 2017

these is 5 the best and most addictive games on iPhone would definitely not let you put your iPhone down.

1. Crossy Road

An all time favourite which holds to be good companion whenever you’re getting bored. More often while you are waiting for your bus, train or friend at a mall.

2. Ridiculous Fishing

A good wrist exercise, Tilt your phone w=and lower your fishing hook, catch as many fish as possible. Avoid predators like jelly fish, they suck your prize catch away. Use hilarious items on your fishing hook like a chainsaw.

3. Never Alone

Pass your time into oblivion with this mesmerising foggy looking game with artistic characters. It features eskimo named Nuna and Fox who pass obstacles of their worlds helping each other in sync

4. Broken Age

This games features exhilarating graphics. Story of a family adventure through rugged terrains. They are often subjected to mystic puzzles for prizes.

5. Daddy Long Legs

This is more of a challenge with a steep learning curve. The first and foremost thing for anyone to do is to keep the long legged robot on its feet by stabilizing your iPhone. As you go along you maneuver through more obstacles.

Hope you have a good time being fixated onto your iPhone.
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