How to clean cache on Android phones manually

How to clean cache on Android phones manually, If you have been using Android for some time (and you don’t restart it too often), you probably have a lot of cached data.
If you have been using Android for some time (and you don’t restart it too often), you probably have a lot of cached data.

How to clean cache on Android phones manually

Cleaning it from time to time is a great idea as it will improve the performance and speed of your device. In this tutorial I will show you how to clean cache on Android manually and with the use of a special app.

How to Manually Clean Cache on Android:

Manually cleaning cache on Android may differ depending on the phone manufacturer and version of Android you are running.

In Android 4.2. and up (in not all phone models though) it’s possible to clean cached data with one click. In older versions of Android you can only clean cache for one app at a time or use the second method described in this tutorial.

To  clean cache on Android phones just Go to Settings > Storage. Swipe down until you see Cached data and tap on it. Click OK to clear cached data. As you can see, my phone accumulated 332MB. That’s a lot!

How to clean cache on Android phones

if you don't see this option, you can only clean cache for one app at a time or use the second method described in this tutorial.

To clean cache for one app just Go to Settings > Apps. Swipe left until you see ALL. Navigate to the app you want to clean and click on it.

How to clean cache on Android phones

Swipe down until you see Cache and click on Clear cache.

How to Clean Cache on Android with App Clean Cache

If you don’t want to look for this specific feature (or your phone lacks it), you can simply use an app that will do it for you. Here is how you do it step by step:

1. Download and install Clean Cache from Google Play.
2. Open the app and wait until the scan is complete.

How to clean cache on Android phones

3. The app will tell you how many cache files there are (and of how many apps). Using buttons in the top bar, you can sort apps by name, show as grid, or show as list. To clean cache, simply click on Clean All.

How to clean cache on Android phones

That’s all. You know now how to clean cache on your Android phone both manually and with the use of an app.

Do you have any questions or problems? Feel free to leave me your comments in the comment box below. I would love to hear from you.
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