Download Modded YouTube apk with with Background Playback

here you can download latest version of modded youtube apk with Background Playback, Dark Mode, and without Ads and download videos feature
Hi dears, as we know YouTube is the largest video sharing platform and by a large margin. Even with all of the competition from licensed streaming services and Facebook, so if you’re watching YouTube on your smartphone android, you’re still stuck with an app with white background, without Background Playback and also with a lot ads, today we have the latest version of Modded YouTube apk to download videos and a lot of features you need without root.

Download Modded YouTube apk with with Background Playback

Modded YouTube apk features:

One of our apk feature is Dark mode and it's currently labeled Dark Watch on YouTube v12.45 but you can not just activate it from the settings yet. The feature seems half-baked at best right now which is probably why Google chose to disable it.

In addition to Dark mode, this version has also Background playback feature so you can watch video in the background, through which the video is played automatically even after you leave the youtube application and browse other applications such as chat or social apps.
Download Modded YouTube apk with with Background Playback

Another advantage is that this version of modded youtube prevents the display of ads within the videos. It also allows you to download high quality video on your Android phone with one click only. There are also many other features that you can discover yourself.

How to Install Modded YouTube app on Android:

Here, if we learn how to install the best YouTube application YouTube program for Android rate, and to install the application on any Android phone follow the following explanation:
  1. First, you need to delete the official YouTube app installed on your phone, or at least turn it off from your phone's settings > apps manage.
  2. Download the two APK files from the bottom direct links.
  3. Install Youtube modded APK and microG APK (you will need to activate the "Unknown sources" option in your phone's security settings).
  4. Directly, you'll notice that the YouTube app icon now has a black background panel. Run the app and enjoy a dark user interface.

Download Modded YouTube apk:

As i mentioned above, this application offers you many advantages such as activating the Dark Mode on Youtube app on Android, removing ads, and playing the video in the background. To use this application you need to install the two apk files, and you can download them from the following direct links:

YouTube Mod APK microG_for_YouTube 

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